PACJA Special Issue on Anti-Oppressive Practice published

PACJA Volume 8, No 2, a Special issue on Anti-Oppressive Practice in Psychotherapy and Counselling, has been published at the PACJA website.

Thank you to the Guest Editor, Dr Gavi Ansara, for putting together this edition of PACJA, and to the PACJA Editor, Dr Rhys Price-Robertson, for supporting the edition through to publication. 

In introducing PACJA Volume 8, No 2, Dr Rhys Price-Robertson notes:

“I am thrilled to introduce this special issue on Anti-Oppressive Practice in Psychotherapy and Counselling, which is the first issue of the Psychotherapy and Counselling Journal of Australia (PACJA) prepared by a Guest Editor.

Dr. Gávi Ansara was an obvious choice for this role. His commitment to anti-oppressive practice within communities of people with lived experiences of marginalisation, exclusion, and oppression provides inspiration for many, myself included. It has been my honour to assist Gávi in creating this important, timely issue.        

Many other people have contributed to the development of this issue, including Dr. Keri Lawson-Ta Aho, IlanaRei Goss, Dr. Alexandra Bloch-Atefi, Julia Bilecki, Dr. Kitty Vivekananda, and the members of the PACJA Editorial Board.

Rhys Price-Robertson”


Editorial note
Rhys Price-Robertson

Editorial: Building an anti-oppressive community of practice: Moving from lip service to liberation through belonging
Y. Gavriel Ansara


Resisting the “attachment disruption” of colonisation through decolonising therapeutic praxis: Finding our way back to the Homelands Within
Riel Dupuis-Rossi

Anti-oppression psychotherapy: An emancipatory integration of intersectionality into psychotherapy

Roberta K. Timothy & Mercedes Umana Garcia

Reflections and (un)learnings on supporting transgender and gender diverse people and their families in a mental health family service new to this work

Henry von Doussa, Julie Beauchamp, Sally Goldner & Belinda Zipper

Challenging everyday monogamism: Making the paradigm shift from couple-centric bias to polycule-centred practice in counselling and psychotherapy
Y. Gavriel Ansara

“Gender dysphoria”: Therapist negotiations of oppressive practices
Julia Ellis

Book Reviews

Working with Transgender Young People and Their Families: A Critical Development Approach (2019) by Damien W. Riggs. London: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-3-030-14230-8 (pbk).
Reviewed by Shoshana Rosenberg

Person-Centred Counselling for Trans and Gender Diverse People: A Practical Guide (2019) by Sam Hope, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. ISBN: 978-1785925429 (pbk).
Reviewed by John Refshauge