PACFA Annual report published

9 October 2023 

On 7 October 2023, PACFA’s 2022-2023 Annual report was presented to attendees of the 2023 Annual General Meeting, and includes updates from PACFA’s President Nigel Polak, CEO Johanna de Wever, and Treasurer Francis Kim. It also highlights PACFA’s key activities over the past 12 months in the important areas of Membership, Advocacy, Colleges and Practice, and Accreditation.

The Annual Report provides PACFA with an important opportunity to reflect on the year and its achievements, and to consider what a fantastic year that the organisation has had. It allows us to provide details about our governance updates and processes, to ensure that we keep members on the same page.

As a Registered Charity with the ACNC, PACFA produces an annual report, which is an obligation for not-for-profit charity organisations. Please feel free to click through to view PACFA’s ACNC Registered Charity status here. Providing the Annual Report and financial information publicly is part of our commitment to the sector, and ensures that PACFA remains compliant with its governance requirements. Importantly, this also ensures that PACFA stays transparent with its members, internal and external stakeholders, and members of the public. Additionally, PACFA’s profit and conflict of interest information is freely available.

President Nigel Polak’s update details changes that the Board has undergone over the past year, including the departure of previous members who reached the end of their maximum 6-year terms, and activity of new Board members who were elected at the 2022 AGM and others have joined over the past 12 months. Nigel’s update also highlights the great efforts of PACFA’s volunteers, discusses PACFA’s three-year Strategic Plan, finalised in January 2023, and shines light on the importance of PACFA’s high registration standards for the benefit of members and the profession as a whole.

PACFA CEO Johanna de Wever’s report mentions the Federal Budget’s $300,000 investment towards the establishment of National Standards for Counsellors and Psychotherapists, and discusses PACFA’s involvement and investment in our scholarly journal, the Psychotherapy and Counselling Journal of Australia (PACJA).

Many key activities that the organisation has engaged in over the past 12 months are mentioned in PACFA’s Annual Report. These include:

  • Advocacy to the Federal Government regarding National Standards for Counselling and Psychotherapy
  • Upgrade of PACFA’s membership with Allied Health Professionals Australia (AHPA)
  • Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) signed with the Christian Counsellors Association of Australia, and the Australian Hypnotherapy Association
  • The launch of the PACJA website on the Scholastica platform and a resultant increase in readership and submissions
  • The publication of nine foundational Registration Standards by the Professional Standards Committee, and two new Good Practice Guidelines
  • PACFA’s well-attended 2022 Safety in Diversity festival of ideas
  • Advocacy, policy development, and consulations with Mental Health Australia, AHPA, NASRHP and NRHA
  • Enhanced member services and improved consultation tools, including the re-designed eNews
  • Faster turnaround time in PACFA’s registration application and upgrade assessment processes
  • Improved processes and new requirements for registration renewal
  • Private Health Insurance updates, including new insurers
  • The new College of Supervision
  • The introduction of a new free Community CPD policy for volunteers
  • Welcoming PACFA’s new Head of Education
  • The launch of new CPD Endorsement guidelines to ensure consistent and high-quality CPD

Key membership data is also featured in the Annual Report, with the fantastic news that 2,053 new members joined in 2022-2023, bringing PACFA’s membership to a total of 7,375 members.

Read the PACFA 2022-2023 Annual Report here.